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Why are we focusing on the water issues in Fiji?

Water and Health

In Fiji, 90% of the population benefits from improved drinking water sources through the use of water filters and boiling practices. Unfortunately, this positive rate sharply declines in rural communities, where surface water, including rivers, lakes, unprotected dug wells, and ponds, becomes the primary and often unsafe source. This situation poses significant health risks to families, particularly children, as waterborne diseases become prevalent.

Safeguarding access to safe drinking water is crucial to address these challenges and promote better health outcomes in
Fiji's communities. Clean and safe water is intricately linked to overall health, preventing the spread of waterborne diseases,
reducing the burden on healthcare systems, and ensuring a thriving and resilient population. By addressing water-related health challenges, we contribute to the well-being of families, especially the most vulnerable, and foster a healthier and
more sustainable future for Fiji.


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Water and Education

In rural communities in Fiji, the correlation between healthy and safe drinking water and education is pivotal. Access to clean water is not just a basic necessity, it serves as a linchpin for educational advancement. The availability of safe water ensures that children, particularly in remote areas, can attend school without the burden of waterborne diseases. Clean water promotes overall well-being, allowing students to focus on their studies, attend classes regularly, and break the cycle of illnesses that often hinder educational progress.


By addressing water challenges, we create an environment where education can flourish, empowering future generations in rural Fiji.

Water and its Challenges

Access to healthy and safe drinking water is intrinsically linked to water challenges in rural communities of Fiji. In these areas, limited access to clean water sources exacerbates issues by contributing to a cycle of health challenges, high medical expenses, and lost productivity. Families often face the burden of waterborne diseases, leading to increased healthcare costs and decreased economic productivity.


By establishing consistent access to clean water, we disrupt this cycle, enhance health outcomes, lower medical expenses, and empower communities to concentrate on economic activities, ultimately fostering sustainable development in rural Fiji.

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Water and Hunger

Access to healthy and safe drinking water is closely intertwined with water and hunger in rural communities of Fiji. Inadequate access to clean water sources hampers agricultural activities, as water scarcity affects crop yields and livestock health. Additionally, waterborne diseases resulting from contaminated water sources can lead to malnutrition, especially among children.


By addressing water-related challenges, we contribute to increased agricultural productivity, improved nutrition, and overall food security, breaking the cycle of water and hunger in these communities.

Fiji’s Water Crisis

As of the latest available statistics, a significant portion of Fiji's population lacks access to safe and healthy drinking water. Many individuals in Fiji face the daily challenge of ensuring the safety and healthiness of their drinking water. The absence of readily accessible clean water makes it a constant concern, requiring constant effort to make water safe for consumption. This situation is unfair, as everyone should have the right to access healthy and safe water without the fear of illness or skin-related issues caused by water contamination. Addressing Fiji's water crisis is crucial to ensure a basic and fundamental right to clean water for all its residents.

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